Dear friends,
We need to talk.
In recent days I had a lot of time to think, once again, about where to go with my Happysad cartoon. After a lot of deep soul searching, I’ve come to the conclusion that I should end the series. I always knew Happysad couldn’t go on forever. It had to end some day, and that day has now come.
I realise this must come as a shock to many, and I apologize to everyone who feels sad and disappointed because of my decision. It is an awfully painful and difficult decision for me as well, but I feel I must take it.
I’m in desparate need for change in my life, and I’ve realised I can no longer wait for change to just happen, to appear out of thin air. I have to work for it myself. And change cannot come as long as I keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
I know many of you will sorely miss the little dude, and believe me when I say I will miss him terribly too. It feels like losing a limb. My cartoons have given me a unique opportunity for creative and even therapeutic self-expression, and a wonderful way of reaching out to so many other people in the world. I could never have imagined this would happen when I made the very first one.
I’ve been drawing Happysad for almost 7 years now, and published more than 1500 cartoons. It has become harder and harder to come up with new ideas. But the real issue is that I believe the cartoon has ultimately kept me from moving on with my life, and this is what I want to do now.
I’m sorry I can’t offer a more happy ending. Life, unfortunately, is not a Hollywood movie. But I take comfort in the fact that the cartoons have brightened the days of so many people, and I want to thank everyone of you for all the support, the many kind comments and mails, and the warmth you have returned to me in the past years.
I especially want to thank my muses, from the bottom of my heart, for all the inspiration they have given me. They are and always will be unimaginably important to me.
I have no idea what I will do next. I expect I will keep posting some stuff on my website, I just don’t know what yet. Maybe I’ll come up with something new, maybe I’ll write more things instead of drawing. Who knows, maybe one day Happysad might return if and when a new muse shows up. You never know. But for now, I’m done.
It’s been one hell of a ride. Thank you once again. Don’t forget me.
Hey J., it is really unexpected! As soon as I saw your status on FB I came here to read the full story…even if it is sad, I think I can understand you pretty well – it is the normal circle of things in life. Hard decision but on the other hand it is so good you are willing to take new challenges and to move forward. Will keep following your news to see what will be the next step – pretty sure something interesting! Bon courage!
Godspeed, and thank you for the wonderful (and recogniseable) comics.
So sad to see this is the end but it is very true that you don’t get different results by doing the same thing over and I’m cheering you on in the changes you have decided to make, it’s a big step in the right direction! All the very best and thanks for all the comics!
Thanks Jeroen, for all the smiles. I wish you the best on your future endeavors.
I would love for this to be a two-comics-a-page 750-pages-book. Or maybe in two or three volumes.
Dear Jeroen,
I want to thank you, I found your comic when I needed it most, recognized so much truth in it I just HAD to buy the T-shirt “Anatomy of a Hug”. You are most right, sometimes you just need to move on even if it hurts. Thank you for everything – and I’ll always have the hug.
Thank you for your work, wish you the best !
All the best to You! You made too many days more happily for us. Thank You!
P.S. Please, release collection with all comics. I could read it for inspiration in live :).
Best Regards,
it was & is therapeutic for me too. even though i expected this to happen some day, i’m finding it very difficult to digest, because of my own issues. can’t think of the right way to thank you for letting me laugh at myself. i’m very happy for you..
Thanks for the laughs and the therapy. Coming up with new ideas is indeed hard, and doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.
Best of luck with everything!
Thx for the comic!
I really enjoyed it a lot.
Good luck with your next step
Wish you a very best in chasing your life… Loved happysad guy, so many times I’ve recognized myself in him and that is what drown me to your comics, besides excellent humor
BR from Serbia!
Changing our life and letting things go is one of the most difficult things to do, takes a lot of courage to do it; you won’t need luck to get life better cause you’re already working on it.
Cheers on that!
Sad news during holidays. We will definitely miss the dude and all his muses!
Now it will be a good day to start finish reading all the story before I got here.
Best wishes!
Thank you
I grew attached to the guy (and the muses!) too.
Best of luck with the big scary step into the unknown!
This has come as a shock, but I wish you the best in all that you do. Thank you so much for your cartoon; it helped me keep a smile in some tough days. I will definitely miss the little guy but I will miss more the big guy behind him.
Thank you again for sharing a part of yourself with us, and the best for you! and if you are ever in Washington D.C send me an e-mail so I can show you around!
Wishing you the best!
Man I’ll wait for your next show. All the best.
So long and thanks for all the fish!
Tks for alls the comics and the laughts.
Good luck on your next step.
All the best for the future, man. Do think of a happy ending for the little guy next time you draw him, though.
Happysad will always be part of you. But unlike a cartoon, life has more than 4 fields. All the best in making the jump into the next field of your life.
Thankyou for all you’ve given us.
May the wind be ever at your back, J.
Hope you will find what you’re looking for. HappySad has been more of a coincidence not just to you, but to each of us who feel for you and the little dude’s life. Thank you for a very good series. He will definitely be missed and so will you but I’ll still drop by this site everyday if ever you’re going to use it as a blog to update us on your whereabouts.
Take care and god bless
Loved the many comics, they were wonderfully honest (and funny).
Best of luck.
thanks for your amazing comics .. wish you all the best in your next step
whoaaahhh!!!! to many posts!!!!
dude, you’re an inspiration to a lot of us …. and I mean there is a lot of us…(or else you would have ended this sooner)…despite the sarcasm of some of my comments…you’re still one cool dude with amazing talent. Kudos to you on your future endeavors…and au revoir…till we meet again!
I wont lie and say I am not upset, hell I’m sitting here crying, I just want to say thank you, I’ve been reading you since just after you started and have been with the little dude through all his trials and tribulations.
I have loved every minute of HappySad and you have cheered me up during some pretty bad times, I wish you nothing but the best and hope that you find what you are looking for.
I will miss you and the little dude.
Be well.
Thanks for the comics, it was a great while it lasted.
The best of luck with all your future projects!
Hi Jeroen,
we will never thank you enough for all your inspirational art. We’ll miss you. Let’s hope you will return here soon, and tell us how your life changed in better
I’ve never really commented on your cartoons, but I love them so much. Everytime I’m behind my laptop, I take a look at your site, hoping there’s an update. I probably still click on your site, because it’s a habit. I’ll miss the little dude! Good luck in the future!
(I can’t stop hoping you’ll find a new muse.. I hope I’ll find one for myself too. I too kept peddling the same boat, for almost three years now. And since yesterday I’m trying to close the door behind me, but I keep looking back at the closed door. It’s time to open some new doors :). I wish you all the best!)
“Don’t forget me.”
We won’t.
Thank you for all the good times. I’ll really mis the little guy.
Thanks for everything and good luck with whatever you do in the future! I’ll miss happysad a lot
Thank you for all these years. I`m sure I`ll return to your site many times. It never was near my own feelings, but showing wisely many aspects of life. Wisely and funny!
i can’t imagine how much i’ll miss happysad…
and you can’t imagine how much this end is ‘on time’ to me as well…
thank you for all great moments and lots of insipration!
and remember the most beautiful things are still ahead…
good luck with everything and don’t disappear!
i will always remember you
I admit I really haven’t been reading for the last couple months, but it was for the same reason now the series has ended. Change. And so while I have a lot of good memories from the little dude and all the cartoons that seemed like they were written from exactly my feelings a/o experiences at the time, I’m not really sad and I just from the bottom of my heart wish all the best for all of us and hope we get the best out of change.
Cheers everybody and thanks
Its been an amazing ride, thank you!!!
Damn. I feel really sad about this. I’m at a moving on stage in my life already and I wanted to hold on the things that I can for as long as possible. I’ll definitely miss the little guy. Good luck, man!
ive never left a comment before, but ive read and re read your comics dozens of times. my girlfriend doesnt get why i like them so much, she finds them slightly whiny (she means no offence) and its not like i can relate to the angst that the little dude feels, but some strips really get to me. Im happy that you’ve finally taken a step forward for yourself, im sad that i might not see the muses again.
But, happysad is now an emotion that i feel and its become a word me n my friends use.
You will be remembered and always fondly.
Prashanth, India
Give us a shout if you are headed to the peninsula. I know a few girls who would love to be a muse !
Release the Kraken… the comic book, I mean!
Seriously, do it! Make a selection, a best off. It’ll sell. A lot. I can even help you out (send me an e-mail if you’re interested).
Otherwise, thanks for the ride and all the best in your life!
Wow, this coming to an end was something I was kind of feeling, the last comics you wrote, the way you wrote them, was in some way anticipating this. Anyway, I cannot say I’m not sad about it, I found your comics about 3 years ago, and it feels like it was just yesterday, I’ve read all of them and really related to most, they were even synchronized with some of the things I was experiencing.
Long story short, they were wonderful, many great things to remember, and a place for you and the little guy in my fondest memories.
Thank you!! I, like the others, will be expecting your return with open arms, and big smiles!
I discovered this comics when I had just started working and didn’t have much to do in the office. Your webcomic was the first I started reading, and enjoyed them immensely. It was like a different point of view over relationships and life… and especially the idea that it is OK for things to be happy and sad at the same time
The little guy will always have a special spot in our hearts… Please stay around and drop in occasionally to tell us about how you’re doing…
I’ve been following the RSS feed for a couple of years. Have you considered publishing them in a book, for example?
That aside – you are awesome. I wish you all the best
Hi Jeroen,
I think it’s been a wise decision. Especially this part: “But the real issue is that I believe the cartoon has ultimately kept me from moving on with my life, and this is what I want to do now.”
Amen to that. Everything that has a beginning has an end.
Thank you very much for all the smiles you caused on my face.
I wish you all the best and I’ll keep dropping by on your blog once and a while.
I was away for a while and only today saw the news.
Thank You for all these wonderful cartoons, for all the emotions they gave, for the warmth.
I wish You all the best in Your life. I’ll gonna miss checking for new cartoons (and I hope they aren’t going to disappear!), but I think it’s better for You.
Good luck and be well!
Well done, sir.
This comic has always tied into your own life, I know, and that’s what made it so easy to identify with, and what always gave it that extra layer of emotion. This last one is a thing of beauty though, and a great illustration of the title of the comic. I’m sad to see it go, and it’s sad to end such a long story so abruptly, but the fact that you’re “moving on with your life” is encouraging to us all, and it goes beyond the comic, because you are a real person with a real life to move on with. This is the most happysad of them all. Hang in there. Good luck.
Best wishes to you. I am surprised I am not sad about the ending of Happysad cartoons but maybe its because I feel it’s the right decision for you. Sometimes one have to end things to find new beginnnings.
And even if you stop Happysad, I am sure we will hear of you again
And also I know Happysad isn’t gone. Everytime we miss him we can read his story again
Best wishes, Jeroen!
Don’t get this the wrong way.. but this news made me happy. First thought that went through my mind…
Thanks for everything you have done and everything you have been. Good luck.
Thank you for all those comics and smiles you put on our faces. I know I will never forget you. Wish you all te best.
Awwwwwwww =(
It’s a little sad to know it has finally ended.. your comics has always been a source of comfort for all your readers. I haven’t been visiting here for a while now, i guess i have a lot of catching up to do..
all the best Jeroen! Happysad has been and will always be one of my favourite comics!!
If you are ever planning to visit Malaysia, drop me a line, at least you know you have a fan here to bring you around town =)
Stay hungry and stay foolish!
Leaving aside the fact it’s taken me this long to find out this distressing news, I thought I’d say hello and thank you, wholeheartedly for so many amazing, clever, insightful and frankly joyous hours of art and creativity. I’ve honestly enjoyed every instalment and wish you all the luck in the world with whatever you do next.
Thank you.. for your works..
I will be missing this one.
Thank you so much for the comic!
This is also a very special comic to me because it’s my first one to read. Absolutely loved it!
Good luck, Jeroen!
Your work will be sorrowly missed
Very sad!
Don’t give up!!!
Anyone who has been following your cartoons won’t forget you…for sure
Wish you the very best in all your new endeavors!
I discovered your cartoons only a few months ago but I really like it. I will continue to read your past entries since I haven’t gone through all of it. I definitely wish you the best of luck.
You are not forgotten <3