I absolutely love the twist these happysad cartoons have taken. I – probably just like many others – can relate to many of the comics before, so it’s nice to see, we can all go to a good place. And that’s where I am now too
In the end, it’s not where you’re coming from, it’s where you’re going.
I wish you all the love you can get out of life!
Santa’s ‘little helper’ is dying for action.
Hee heeee ;;) cute as always
Love it
Love the face expression on the last panel.
great face expression!
Luckily that in this case, being naughty…well
has even more happy endings
I absolutely love the twist these happysad cartoons have taken. I – probably just like many others – can relate to many of the comics before, so it’s nice to see, we can all go to a good place. And that’s where I am now too
In the end, it’s not where you’re coming from, it’s where you’re going.
I wish you all the love you can get out of life!