Oh, right, almost forgot I had promised to show you the cartoon I won the Leuven Draait contest with. Well, this is it:
Translation: “Dear diary…”
I find that explaining jokes tends to ruin them, but I’ll make an exception in this case. This cartoon may have been slightly inspired by my experience working closely with a (now former) banking CEO – you know, one of those high profile guys that are now getting all the flak for the financial crisis. Believe it or not, but he was (and still is) a great guy in my book, and I’ve witnessed how, in the end, these men are just people like you & me. Only with more money
This look like what happen right before the ending of “Banlieue 13″.
Cool. You deserved it. We miss the lil’ guy though, but I’m kinda making my own now.. and I think I can relate to why you would consider stopping the series.. I’ve done maybe 2 handfuls of ‘oh god, I so want her’-strips and I’m already loosing my mind, so.. I’d say good for you.
But plllease come up with something else for us then? Focus on the _good_ things in your life?
thi one made me say: “oooOOOOooohhhh”… i’d like a room that big
great work!
I really like the colours and the concept (but yeah, without explanation I wouldn’t guess why is it funny :P)
Miss little guy, really miss. Something? anything? If your worries that you have written before would be true we might put a password or a secret page that she will never find :> Oh come on, Jeoren. Make our day!
Or a story about your great career. From the beginning to now. How from a little artist you made such great success in the Web and you got prize. Doesn’t your ego shout right now “yeah, let me out!”…
Counting on you! :)) Cheers!