Hello, my name is René. I am 34 years old, and I just laughed until my eyes ran over. Priceless! Log in to Reply
Hey, better to have a dream where he didn’t get laid than have an awesome sex dream and wake up to the harsh reality, right? lol Log in to Reply
Have no fear The internet is here Message sponsored by the World Wide Wanking community Log in to Reply
face on the last picture is really great drawn
wow… *wonders if Jeroen has a camera in my mind*
It has to be said, but yeah, THAT happens in my dreams FAR to frequnetly.
Hello, my name is René. I am 34 years old, and I just laughed until my eyes ran over. Priceless!
Hey, better to have a dream where he didn’t get laid than have an awesome sex dream and wake up to the harsh reality, right? lol
Even got denied by his subconscious…
Have no fear
The internet is here
Message sponsored by the World Wide Wanking community
one of the best for me…
brilliant. and sooooo true… sadly.