If I haven’t lost count somewhere, this should be the 500th Happysad cartoon!
And now this one’s published, I’m going to take a break. Yes, I really need one. Digging so deep every day has been therapeuthic but also quite exhausting. I’m kind of worn out now, so I just want to have a rest, reload the mental batteries and look for some new inspiration.
I don’t know for how long this will take, could be a few days, could be a few weeks… but I’ll keep on checking the comments here and maybe publish some other stuff in the meanwhile. So don’t go away, I’ll be back!
congratulations on 500 kartoens !
Enjoy your break, I’ll just wait here
Happy 500th
Enjoy your break, I think you need it after such an emotional rollercoaster..
we’ll be here when you get back..
I need my HappySad.
enjoy your break.
Whoa… You proved that you’re still great, Jeroen.
I suppose it’s not the end of your creativeness. =] Recent HappySads haven’t been such masterpieces, but this brings round confidence you’re able to surprise us again and again. :]
I hope you will have made a new one until Christmas.
Congrats and enjoy the well-deserved R&R!
Hey, congrats!:*
Enjoy your breake, I hope that you will come back with more Happy than Sad cartoons
Congrats on 500, and enjoy your break
*votes for a few days*
Enjoy the break!
Another Polish voice wishing you a very fruitful rest and hoping to enjoy some more Happysads in the near future
especially that this 500th one is really charming 
take care!
oh gosh
i will miss this far too much
make it a short break alright?
PS. brilliant comic today
Happy 500th cartoon! (very nice, by the way)
Take your time and come back more Happy than Sad
we’ll be here!
Congratulations, Jeroen! You should be very proud of yourself, not just anyone can do what you do. Have a nice break!
I am looking forward to seeing what comes next
I’ll miss your cartoons too,
they really made my day if I had a bad one.
PS: Belgium is here too, it’s not only Poland :p
Oh no – what am I going to do without my daily Happysad?!
Have a good break, and look forward to seeing you back.
I vote for a RECOUNT. Once you finish recounting, then you come back, ‘kay?
Happy 500th!
Have a lovely break …but please don’t stay away too long
Oops… missing you already… I can’t even last a few days without my HappySad fix… darn….
Maar.. alle gekheid even opzij gezet (ook al is bovenstaande nog zo waar): geniet van wat welverdiende R&R en ik kijk uit naar het vervolg – wanneer het ook moge weze !
P.S.: oh ja… ook dit nog: mocht je tijdens de R&R periode het buurland bezoeken – wees welkom !
Thank you all for your wonderful comments!
I hope the withdrawal symptoms some of you are experciencing aren’t too severe…
Despite my “break”, I’m still thinking about Happysad a lot of the time – it’s become a hard habit to break, I guess – although I can’t say new inspiration has struck yet. That stuff is somewhat dependent on other people as well, you know (ahem)…
But I may have an alternative up my sleeve. Check back soon!
Congratulations on 500 cartoons. I’ll be mildly distressed without my daily dose, but I hope you have a good break. Thanks for the good times.
Ag.. looking for inspiration are you ? Well, what about visiting the LoveDance party this Saturday in Paradiso Amsterdam ? ( http://www.lovedance.nl )
one of those things you just have to experience to fully appreciate -and if nothing else, at least you’ll be at a party AND you’ll be able to feel a warm glow of doing good (it’s a Aids Foundation benefit as Saturday is World Aids Day)
Could be inspirational in many many different ways…. – some of which I’m not sure you really want to start imagining
I’ll be there !
What … on … earth ?!
I go off for a week’s holiday and my favourite cartoon goes on a break !
Come back HS !!!!
(enjoy your break, reload those batteries & make us all happy again !)
This is soooooo true!