Happysad T-shirts: they’re here!

Some of you have been asking for them for a long time, and now they’re finally here: Happysad T-shirts!

Well… at least, one design is, for now: the infamous “Lost in Translation” cartoon, the one I got the tagline for my site from.

You see, after long and lazy consideration, I’ve decided to go for Cafepress.com. They offer a free shop, where you can upload just one design. If you want to sell more designs, you have to pay up for a Premium shop.

So this is the plan: when everyone who’s ever sworn to buy a HS t-shirt does so, I’ll make enough money to start up my extended Happysad shop. If not: hm, tough luck. Consider it market research.

So what are you still doing here? Go here:


7 thoughts on “Happysad T-shirts: they’re here!

  1. Hey Jeroen, excellent idea to make a shirt.

    I got one suggestion though : it might be better to make a specific drawing which would “fill” the t-shirt rather than use a cartoon. The problem with the current design is that you need to be quite close to the person to be able to read the cartoon, while a single, large drawing (i.e. your principal character with a broken heart next to him or whatever) could be spotted from a distance and would be having much more effect, me thinks.

    Except of course if it’s your intention to have your t-shirts make people come closer … (now that would be a cool tagline ! ;-) ).

  2. Why not offer that one for sale as well ?

    See which one is the most popular, which will allow you to do some real market research.

    By the way, for the FACTS convention we work together with a Belgian company which makes excellent t-shirts at very sharp prices.

    Send me an e-mail if you want more info, ok ?

  3. Awesome! I agree that maybe a particular frame, or specialized drawing would work out better than just the whole comic strip, for viewing pleasure of course. Though Lost In Translation is a good one to start with. ^_^

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