My site is starting to get, on average, 30 to 40 hits a day. People from all over the world are dropping by. I get visitors from The Netherlands, South Korea, Australia (hi Corinne!), Japan, Great Britain, Sweden, Russia, Jordan, Canada, Germany, Italy, Poland, China, Denmark, the United States, Chile, Singapore, Brazil, Egypt, the Philippines, Kuwait, Kenya,… and Belgium of course.
Where ever you are, welcome, and do feel free to leave me a nice message!
Belgium !
I doubt that you read this… eventually…
But i read that and i couldn’t help to leave you a message.
Well, i’m new at this, i discovered your blog yesterday and i just can’t stop reading your happy sad cartoons!
If you take a look around you’ll see a bunch of my comments
Anyway, i love your cartoons! Keep on uploading them, you know that there’s always waiting for you to do it!
Greetings from Argentina!
I’m from Argentina and i’m 16 years old… so if you find something bad written, you know why :s…
Good bye!
Pleased to meet you!
Here is someone from Serbia
Beat that :3
Well, i’m late for this question, 4 years later
Stories are nice.
Latest so far… Huge fan though. Maryland, USA.
South Africa here!!!
Ultra late-late-latest!
I just found your website while looking for a cute best friend pic… And I’m lovin’ your comics!! Keep it up