my beast freaind is called richard morley he is good to me because he always be there for me and he hugs me ever night and ever day and he is always be there for he is my beast freaind for a long time we did things togather me and him we dance and haveing take aways and eating alot of choclate and we go out to the shop in northwich and we went to chsiter zoo and the pub and we went to see pets at home he wants a cinchilla so he sayed to me here have this off me and he bought me 2 drinks and he is lake farther to me and he is my beast freaind forever all my life i have really good freaind off mine and he hugs me all the time because he sayed to me i miss you and i love you to mate and he laved me his beast mate he want to live in manchestier city centre so we could get in touch so he saed to me see you soon i was hurt when he laved so i am still hurting and cant cope with at the moment iwant my beast freiand back gino hulme frieandship my beast freaind richard morley
now hes gone to scottland now staying at his brother my heart is broke n i really want my besat freiand back and really need him so he loves me has beast mate gino
this is stupid
ouch! lol but thats funny!
Awe, that sucks big time.
But hilarious at the same time
aww thats mean . . . . . but sooo frieking funny
ouch that sucks big time but still kinda funnnnnnnyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we don’t get it and we are at school hahaha
thats funny but sucks
That really hurts dude! And I can tell ´cause it happenned to me. It really sucks, big time!!!
Thats cute but sad atthe same time
wow that hurts haha sux for you
i can sum that up in two words ‘ouch’ and ‘lol’
poor dude ah well wudnt happen wit me lol x
what does it mean?
my beast freaind is called richard morley he is good to me because he always be there for me and he hugs me ever night and ever day and he is always be there for he is my beast freaind for a long time we did things togather me and him we dance and haveing take aways and eating alot of choclate and we go out to the shop in northwich and we went to chsiter zoo and the pub and we went to see pets at home he wants a cinchilla so he sayed to me here have this off me and he bought me 2 drinks and he is lake farther to me and he is my beast freaind forever all my life i have really good freaind off mine and he hugs me all the time because he sayed to me i miss you and i love you to mate and he laved me his beast mate he want to live in manchestier city centre so we could get in touch so he saed to me see you soon i was hurt when he laved so i am still hurting and cant cope with at the moment iwant my beast freiand back gino hulme frieandship my beast freaind richard morley
are you ok mate i allways say peeps to gino
give me a big hug mate
ohhhhhh poor himmmmm!!!!!
she sould be ashamed of heself!!!!
Awww :(…She hurts him…
hey gino
sry to be a biotch but i have NO idea what u rote therein the rly long comment…
now hes gone to scottland now staying at his brother my heart is broke n i really want my besat freiand back and really need him so he loves me has beast mate gino
bocetos verdad agradable