15 thoughts on “Smile because it happened

  1. Okay, I might appear to be a bit insensitive here but Happysad guy is single and Happysad girl is single.



  2. Oh bugger, I was hoping you could find someway through it all.


    Ms Yonderlander, I know you read the comic, I just want to say thank you for making him happy for the last few months, it’s made for some great comics and of course we were all pleased for him.

    but still, I guess the hopeless romantic in me wanted you to work it out.

  3. We are all happy that it happened but just a little bummed that it couldn’t last. It was a breath of fresh air seeing HappySad guy so happy for once and I’m sure that if it had to end, this was the best way for it to end. With a smile that is =)

  4. I am happy that you love each other enough to keep being friends, because it shows that you really cared one for the other.I wish you the best on the new stage that you are about to embark.

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