Hey, dude, at least you don’t get to choose between a werewolf and a vampire that freakin’ glows, like it happened the last time I remember anything like this happened
Happiness is good! (Yeah, it’s not just for Yonderlandese girl that I’m rooting here; it’s for everything that’s cute and fluffy and soapy about the world today!) :)))
Go go go Yonderlandese Girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do we get to hold signs too?
HappySad Gal cummon we can beat Yonderland
so.. no girl-on-girl?
Go go HappySad guy! You being happy is what maters.
I like it how they are looking down at the comments to see what’s going on
I’m all for Ms Yonderlander.
You had your chance other girl!
Rene- that’d be an interesting option
<- cheering for the HappySad girl…
…and here’s Jolie with a big sign, rooting for Yonderlandese girlfriend
On the other hand, to be honest, I think Happysad girl is sooo cute and nice and I like her a lot
(but hey, Yonderlandese is the one meant to be ;;) )
Hey, dude, at least you don’t get to choose between a werewolf and a vampire that freakin’ glows, like it happened the last time I remember anything like this happened
I’m saddened by how easily most of the happySAD readers managed to leave the One behind for little miss Yonderland. Happiness… bleh.
Happiness is good! (Yeah, it’s not just for Yonderlandese girl that I’m rooting here; it’s for everything that’s cute and fluffy and soapy about the world today!) :)))
The Yonderlandese girl is nice, but I still think our guy has feelings for the other one
And I like her better
Your happiness is all that matters.