14 thoughts on “For old times’ sake

  1. I like the Yonderlandese girlfriend better! And those who don’t like you having a gf are a bunch of jealous non-fluffy people. :P

  2. I am not convinced.

    And Jolie, we are not jealous; it’s just that pre-Yonderland Happysad was suitable for empathy.

  3. super duper like….. :) I guess my comment couple of days ago inspired it…..neways its not because anyone is jealous its because now the old readers cant relate their life with happy sad guy :)

  4. I like the Yonderlandese girlfriend better, too! ;-) Relationships always have their ups and downs (happy and sad), no matter what kind of they are or are not, that’s just life. :-) So I wouldn’t say the old readers can’t relate anymore…
    Keep up the good work, Jeroen!

  5. @Avinash: That almost sounds as if old readers would be forever alone* as well. I know both situations (the LJBF way too well…), am able to empathy for both, and like both. And so probably do many readers, especially “older” ones.

    * Or what some people feel like “alone” even with several really good friends but no girl/boy friend…

    @aaga: So far the Yonderland story is pretty much “just fallen in love”, so not so much downs (except longing) so far…

  6. For me it raises a question of why do we empathize more with sad stories than with happy ones? Wikipedia says “Empathy is the capacity to recognize and, to some extent, share feelings (such as sadness or happiness) that are being experienced by another sentient or semi-sentient being.”
    So by that we should be able to empathize with him being happy as well as him being sad. I’m sure I’m not the only one who found Happysad while being in a happy relationship and felt the connection even though it was far from my life. So why doesn’t it work the other way around?
    Also the case of bad news selling better. We seem to be seeking out negative emotions instead of positive ones. Stupid human nature.

    But then there is also the question if fans are missing him being sad or a character they have come accustomed to? Like in any series one of the main characters being away for a long time is bound to make people unhappy.

    Sorry for rambling so long. I’m sick and bored :P

  7. I read pre-Yonderland Happysad for a few days and man did it hurt. In terms of a story, I thought getting to this point was a huge payoff.


  8. I believe we empathize more with unhappy people because this is a survival trait for the species. If some member of the tribe is hurt, saving him or her keeps an extra member in the tribe.

    Sharing happy feelings doesn’t seem to have quite the same benefits.

  9. What’s going on with your lovelife (past and present) is very (as in VERY) similar to mine. It seems that HappySad is featuring my relationship every month. The coincidences are just wonderfully weird and creepily nice! What I’m trying to say here is… what you’ve done here is brilliant, with or without your *old flame. ^_- Keep it up!

    Another weird thought. Are you the male version of me?

  10. I love the new state HappySad is in… I still find myself feeling ont he same page, and I’m glad that all of those feelings, happy/sad/worried etc… are all what I’ve been through and still cope with.

    I think those who don’t like where this is going need to stop being so… silly. And by silly… I mean jealous.

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