7 thoughts on “Nice try

  1. Yeah, most difficult moment about going to Yonderland. When I went to visit my girl in her Yonderland (Philippines), I had the same. That last full day together … always thinking about the moment you have to leave again …

    But happy now, my girl has her visa. She got her e-mail from the embassy that her visa was approved. So we booked a flight ticket and a travel insurance immediately. She’s coming to Belgium at May 27 and then we’ll get merried :D

  2. I cried all day the last time I was in Austin, TX with him. He tried to to make things happy and upbeat, but it just didn’t quite work. Exactly, on the nose, truth. Thank you.

  3. I was so sure this time we can see part The Wedding… I was so sure this was the reason You went to Yonderland…dissapointed..:(

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