17 thoughts on “The four stages of loneliness

  1. Aaaaah, thank God you’re posting again. I know I havent commented before, but I really love youre drawings! They’re cute, easy on the eyes and always right on the sore spot hahahaha
    Please never stop!

    By the way, I don’t know why I write in English, terwijl ik weet dat je Vlaams bent! Groetjes uit Holland! ;)

  2. I thought that I am the only person in the world that feeling this way and I was totally surprised to learn that I am not alone. I was sad to read about your post about your lonely and I really wish to help other people too because your post really reminds me of me. It is okay to feel lonely sometimes because we are just a human and we really need someone to share our feelings sometimes. They could try to connect to people around them. There are actually a lot of people like us that need each other. Let’s just support each other and be true friends to each other. First step is always difficult but I did it anyway. I hope other lonely people out there will do the same too.

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