Dear Friends,
with this cartoon, I’m announcing another break.
These are stressful times for anyone working in the financial industry – like me – and to be honest, my mind hasn’t exactly been set to making up cutesy little drawings about love and desire in the last few days. So I’m suspending Happysad – bailing out, if you will – until things clear up a bit, OR… well, see the cartoon above.
I know some of you need their daily fix of Happysad. Why not browse through the Happysad archives on for a while? I’m pretty sure you haven’t seen all 750 cartoons yet!
Hope to be back soon. (I’m not ‘actually’ going away so keep those comments coming!)
take care
I hope that crisis will be over any soon now – i’m really, really fed up with this great rumour about it all the time.
Financial businesses are very hard for the moment indeed. So ‘enjoy’ the break (is you can ;))
But about the 750 happysad-cartoons … I did read them all
so I’ll just wait and check out this site every day until there’s a ew one.
I would be willing to help with problem in the strip if I lived anywhere near you just so the strips kept coming. I hope you enjoy your break anyways.
Can’t say no more the crisis isn’t affecting me…
Just like Pedro, I’ve read all the 750, but it is never bad to review them. Good luck with your work et cetera. Hope to see you back soon.
Take care and i hope things work out for you.
whee! have fun, get plastered, and get laid.
well, i wish you all the best…
Get laid then!!! thats all you need and deserve indeeed!
Good luck with your stuff!
We can wait
Take care
thats sad
i discovered happysad only 4 days ago and i have finished reading all the 750 in only 3 days and now you stop
buena suerte de todas formas
Yeah, im done with all of them as well. get rich soon, id say get laid, but i think that might affect the quality of the strips…
Lani, you’re our only hope!
You clearly don’t understand what “fan” means.
we HAVE seen ALL of your 750+ cartoons. of course we have!!! (at least I have…)
I need my daily dose… please? pretty please?
lol figures just as i discover the strip… but i’ll keep checking. you’ve definitely got a new h-core fan here
oh ok….u do deserve a break..
..but be back soon…(n if getting laid solves the current financial problem….then let us all know)
n btw…. this is one of the best comics yet…
I’m pretty sure I have seen all 750. =P
Also, good luck finding a woman! Hope it goes well!
Yet another hardcore fan here. Hope all goes well with you. Try to relax and have some fun to take your mind off things! You deserve it!
Wish you a good lay
– don’t be long, we REALLY HAVE seen all 750.
the financial crisis is over – bummer
I’ve already become an addict to this… and you stop! it’s not fair!!!
How could you do that? I really really love your cute cartoons, indeed, I would like to help your problem!! jeje except I live so far je je je (I’m so mean… like your woman in the cartoons).
I hope that you’ll recover your humor soon.
Hugs from Mexico.
p.s. In fact… I’d actually finish the 750 cartoons. I need mooooooooooooore!!!!!
Jeroen, if I were you, I’d buy myself a ticket to Mexico!
Solution: sell any bank stock you have, buy shares in women. Two problems solved in the same time.
You’re welcome
I miss daily cartoonssssssssssss come on boy cheeeeeer up!
Another crazy fan here who has also read every single one of your cartoons. They are way too addictive!
It’s a bit odd to come back here every day and the first picture I see is you in panic and frustration. For me the last strip symbolizes the mood you are in right now and it seems impossible for someone to stay that freaked out for a long time. So my brain is making the only reasonable assumption- you have gone crazy =)
But on the girls subject.. I think you are not using your best resource, you must have lots of fangirls and some of them must be single
I miss u!
haha i came to say i miss you… but shadan beat me to it
well… i do
Thanks you guys for all the lovely comments!
BTW my site just went down for a while, I hope nobody killed him or herself?
The good news is, it’s back up. The bad news is, inspiration is still down…
First time I saw this site… what are the odds?
I’d help you with some ‘inspiration’;)…
@ eveline: know that I can see your e-mail adress, google it and find your Facebook page. Mwahaha.
the financial crisis isn’t over – bummer
Jeroen, that just makes you sound like a crazy stalker person. :p
mmmm…! stalker! hahaha
inspiration????? Can I give u a heart? sorry a hand with it!??!??!!?
you’re killing my morning routine, jeroen! i read thewarehouse, explosm and then happysad. . but now, i have to stumble some before i can fully start my day. but i’ll make the sacrifice for you. only you. if carl at thewarehouse did this, i’d have to hunt him down and kill him.
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz do something
@jeroen: I can just give you the link to my page as well, save you the search if you haven’t already…