2 thoughts on “Odd figure

  1. See it this way.

    If it was the other way around:
    1) you would need a mighty big bed
    2) you might as well buy a truckload of those little blue pills
    3) your back would kill you
    4) you’d probably complain that noone likes your artwork
    5) us men would feel left out.

    So, in the end, it’s all pretty well balanced in my opinion!


  2. Stumbled in.. read two or three.. then read them all in the last three days.. killing me now that I will only get one a day! Definitely does not work with my addictive personality.

    This has to be the only webtoon that I would love to see end.. because the only end is to get the girl! Here’s to hoping that the next toon has you, her, a sunset, and a fond farewell!

    Until then ..

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