haha fred, should i refer you back to this comic..?
great comic, i’ve been looking through all of them from the baby seals and dogs on a card one and have been loving it!! found that comic via stumbleupon and am probably here to stay kep up the good work Jeroen
Should use the system they have in India- put a big dot on a womans forehead when she gets married. Same should be done to men. Makes things much easier =)
What happens if someone dates more than one person (and is open and communicative about it).
Human sexuality is not black and white (or taken/available). cramming something as complicated as human relationships and psychology into either A or B is just shortsighted.
… The world would be much easier. :p
Even when they’re already taken, some of them still send very confusing signals, so you’ll never know for sure hahaha
isn’t that what rings are for?
haha fred, should i refer you back to this comic..?
great comic, i’ve been looking through all of them from the baby seals and dogs on a card one and have been loving it!! found that comic via stumbleupon and am probably here to stay
kep up the good work Jeroen
Should use the system they have in India- put a big dot on a womans forehead when she gets married. Same should be done to men. Makes things much easier =)
What happens if someone dates more than one person (and is open and communicative about it).
Human sexuality is not black and white (or taken/available). cramming something as complicated as human relationships and psychology into either A or B is just shortsighted.