If only… *** GRAMMAR NAZI TIME. “Life should’nt get more complicated then *than it already is Log in to Reply
No, he does not – my guess is that Walker was aiming at that “then” vs. “than” thing. Too bad to make a mistake when correcting a mistake. Log in to Reply
when you he says check out the monkeys its like ur talking about the people reading it lol Log in to Reply
If only…
GRAMMAR NAZI TIME. “Life should’nt get more complicated then *than it already is
ermm, i dont think so.
should not shouldn’t
jeroen has it right.
No, he does not – my guess is that Walker was aiming at that “then” vs. “than” thing.
Too bad to make a mistake when correcting a mistake.
I for one bow to my grammar nazi overlord… Thanks Paul, I corrected it.
for one or for once?
when you he says check out the monkeys its like ur talking about the people reading it lol