Wow.. I just spent several hours reading the entire archive … I love it! it’s 10:30 am now..I think I’ll finally get to sleep (I seriously couldn’t stop until I was made to – ie:no more comics left to read). Log in to Reply
Haha, I do the same thing when I find webcom I like:D. Start at the beginning and don’t stop ’till you have to. Log in to Reply
i’m going to go ahead and say I started roundabouts 6am ish? I got done at about 10:30 am…. Log in to Reply
Pretty much. Gotta love a good body.
what’s happening to our little guy…?
haha… i miss him being terribly crestfallen.
Wow.. I just spent several hours reading the entire archive … I love it! it’s 10:30 am now..I think I’ll finally get to sleep (I seriously couldn’t stop until I was made to – ie:no more comics left to read).
It’s ok, he’ll be pretty crestfallen soon, I can bet on that
It’s true. Nothing says love like a hot body.
I just copied this to a friend… so so apt.
“Full Option”? Is that a Gradius joke?
@paganpope: when did you start reading??
Haha, I do the same thing when I find webcom I like:D. Start at the beginning and don’t stop ’till you have to.
i’m going to go ahead and say I started roundabouts 6am ish? I got done at about 10:30 am….