16 thoughts on “Happy birthday Happysad

  1. ok. I have champaign, glass, and …hmm…no I don’t have cake, I have raisins instead, and champaign is more like vine (but loooots of it). So we can celebrate! :)

    And you may ask – why I have an open vine at 4 p.m….cause men suck (sorry guys), and I won’t never ever be so stupid.


  2. Whoa dude, 2 years already!

    Congratulations on very successful web-cartoon Jeroen!

    God knows, how much ‘therapy cash’ people are saving here..

    hehehehe.. :D

    Thanks for creating Happysad, and telling the world, how it really is to love,
    and helping a lot of people bear their sad moments, for letting them know,
    they’re not alone..

    I’d send you a case of my favorite beer (coz its no use here now :p),
    but instead, I’ll just wish for you, true happiness in the many years to come..

    Cheers! — to the next Happysad years! =)

    - Mike ^_^

  3. aaah, my personal absolute favourite … what a wonderful beginning it was!
    Many happy returns, Jaroen, and many such brilliant works!

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