Today, it’s been two years since I posted the very first Happysad cartoon. It still feels strangely appropriate somehow, so I’ve decided to do a remake.
16 thoughts on “Happy birthday Happysad”
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Legs are strange too
Your circles have become more circular. You invested in a professional circle drawing machine, didn’t you?
May there be many more!
Remarkable how much you and the Happysad cartoons have evolved in the past two years
Congratulations, and keep on goin’ on.
Happy birthday little happysad dude.
it’s been grand!
ok. I have champaign, glass, and …hmm…no I don’t have cake, I have raisins instead, and champaign is more like vine (but loooots of it). So we can celebrate!
And you may ask – why I have an open vine at 4 p.m….cause men suck (sorry guys), and I won’t never ever be so stupid.
Whoa dude, 2 years already!
Congratulations on very successful web-cartoon Jeroen!
God knows, how much ‘therapy cash’ people are saving here..
Thanks for creating Happysad, and telling the world, how it really is to love,
and helping a lot of people bear their sad moments, for letting them know,
they’re not alone..
I’d send you a case of my favorite beer (coz its no use here now :p),
but instead, I’ll just wish for you, true happiness in the many years to come..
Cheers! — to the next Happysad years! =)
- Mike ^_^
happy birthday, happysad.
aaah, my personal absolute favourite … what a wonderful beginning it was!
Many happy returns, Jaroen, and many such brilliant works!
changes are so subtle. I hope you have evolved just as happysad did.
Happy bday
thank you for the lovely stories
keep them coming!
Happy Birthday! The greeting is better late than never.
More power and keep those Happysad coming!
Wow this is strange but at the same time its not. Can I draw a scene in one of your drawings?
ilove sad love cartoon bat i sad me too <3