Well, they ARE cheaper than mussels these days! B.t.w.: no wonder you can’t get it open if you use your drawing pen. Or are oyster knives and drawing implements too graphically similar? Log in to Reply
‘The world is my oyster’. Keb da precies opgepikt in that seventies show een paar dagen geleden? Nee? Log in to Reply
Well, they ARE cheaper than mussels these days!
B.t.w.: no wonder you can’t get it open if you use your drawing pen. Or are oyster knives and drawing implements too graphically similar?
@Bart: yes. Yes they are.
‘The world is my oyster’.
Keb da precies opgepikt in that seventies show een paar dagen geleden? Nee?
@spoit: dat kan, maar mijn inspiratie lag elders.