Obviously, you don’t get the metaphor. It’s the Glass Ceiling. Women are being descriminated against. We earn only 79 cents to every dollar a man makes, in the US. David, shut up. We are equals, and if you don’t know that, your an idiot.
well, i think that david, that remark that you made sounds as if you think men are much more superior to women, but your not… we have fought and fought to get an education and vote and be equal with men… and we do NOT have a “place” we are not an item on a shelf and i think you need to think about it…
Wow, David just wow. i mean how could you be that uneducated? this is a brilliant metaphor for the glass ceiling,while you probably dont even know what it is. keep your bigoted comments to yourself.
P.S. I like your drawing style!!!
David… You’re obviously STUPID.
Women don’t need to be put in their place; we’re just fine where we are.
Obviously, you don’t get the metaphor. It’s the Glass Ceiling. Women are being descriminated against. We earn only 79 cents to every dollar a man makes, in the US. David, shut up. We are equals, and if you don’t know that, your an idiot.
well, i think that david, that remark that you made sounds as if you think men are much more superior to women, but your not… we have fought and fought to get an education and vote and be equal with men… and we do NOT have a “place” we are not an item on a shelf and i think you need to think about it…
woman have fought for years to be equal to men when they could be better, that shows a lack of ambition in my opinion, which is why men are better…
Mmm, nothing like the smell of bigot fools to start off my day…
Okay, let’s see:
“Connaire” wrote:
“woman have fought for years to be equal to men when they could be better, that shows a lack of ambition in my opinion”
I believe you just contradicted yourself buddy, nice try though.
“David” wrote:
“This is not funny YOU ARE A MAN ACT LIKE ONE AND PUT WOMEN IN THEIR PLACEā¦.that is all.”
Tell that to your Mom that’s housing you right now, and while you’re at it, graduate High School, then we might be able to take you seriously.
Hey Jeremy, brilliant comments !!!
Wow, David just wow. i mean how could you be that uneducated? this is a brilliant metaphor for the glass ceiling,while you probably dont even know what it is. keep your bigoted comments to yourself.