6 thoughts on “Rave on

  1. Boo for house!
    Yay for dark gloomy gothic stuff!

    sorry, couldn’t help, had to say it

    But on topic: again a very beautiful one. I wonder if any conclusions about your musical taste could be drawn from this comic.. Considering the dark gloomy, almost gothic atmosphere of most your comics, I guess you dislike the ‘boom boom boom’ kind:)

  2. Jippus,

    actually I don’t mind answering this one.
    Yes I do have a fairly large collection of gothic cd’s – ranging from the darkest eerie stuff through hard electro and industrial to synthpop and new wave. Spent 10 years roaming the black scene, and still like to indulge in it once in a while, though I’ve expanded my musical taste a lot. Currently I’m more into ‘nu’ electro stuff, which sometimes is just a step away from other dance subgenres…

  3. Hmm I recognize the expansion of musical taste. Comes with the years isn’t it? To be honest: sometimes I even like the boom boom boom stuff…;)

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