Last night, a nice girl said I looked like Edward Norton.
I felt flattered. Edward Norton is the coolest actor on earth.
I also felt a strong urge to beat someone up.
“A guy came to Fight Club for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carved out of wood.”
I don’t know the guy but…
Yeah,,, there’s something…
Its nice to look like Edward Norton, I have the disadvantage of looking like the average white guy… most frequently Haley Joel Osment from the Sixth Sense. Its a curse really an awful awful curse, it tells me that I’m only cute, but hell looking like Edward Norton can get you every where in life.
Euuuuuuuhm, forgive me for this but I think you look a bit like Justin Timberlake. In the KBC video you do anyway. I was waiting the whole for you to jump on stage and perform “Sexy Back”
It would have cheered up the place a bit, djeeezus christ!!!
Why not become a professional lookalike, all it takes is a few photos of you posed like the man himself, submit to an agent and you never know?!
P.S> I say that because I’m a professional one and it really was that easy. Photos, send, wait for bookings! Good luck.
maybe if you posted a pic of you somewhere…